A flight attendant explains why you should not wear shorts on flights

Source: TodayFeedsMedia

Catching flights is often a whirlwind experience, filled with long queues, early arrivals, baggage checks, and security screenings—not to mention the rush to find your gate in time.

While short flights might feel like a quick hop, long-haul journeys require the next level of preparation to ensure comfort. Many travelers instinctively opt for cozy attire, like shorts and flip-flops, to make the trip more bearable. While this might seem like the best choice for comfort, it’s far from the most hygienic option, especially when you are 40,000 feet above in the air.Experienced flight attendant Tommy Cimato took to TikTok to share practical travel tips, including one surprising piece of advice: skip the shorts when flying.

Tommy explains that one never knows how clean the seats on the plane are. He says in the clip, “If you wear pants, you minimize the risk of germs coming into contact with your skin." As air travel gets more and more accessible, to meet the demand, commercial flights make several trips in a day. With so much traveling each day, we can’t be sure what the seats have been exposed to, so as a precaution wearing longer clothes will help from exposing yourself to germs.

The danger of germs is not limited to our seats, the windows, trays, and hand rests all might contain germs and bacteria. Cimato emphasized, “It’s the same issue as leaning against the window. You don't know how many people or children have touched the window or wiped their hands on it."Cimato also warns against touching the toilet flush button with bare hands. "It’s honestly super unsanitary," he says. Instead, he suggests using a napkin or tissue paper to press the flush button.

Additionally, at cruising altitudes, airplane cabins typical ..

